Prostate cancer
INACTIVE --- Tailoring treatment for metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer

Fernando (67 years old)

Fernando is 67 years old. He has close to 100 tropical plants in his tiny apartment, which he maintains at a steady, humid, 25°C. Needless to say, it’s always summer in his apartment and the plants are thriving.

He was recently diagnosed with metastatic PCa.

  • Medical history: no abnormalities
  • ECOG PS: 1
  • Symptoms: back pain and weight loss over the last few months
  • Bone scan: 8 suspicious areas (4 on ribs, 4 on spine)
  • CT: locally advanced prostatic mass, few enlarged lymph nodes, 2 spots on the liver
  • PSA: 63 ng/ml
  • Prostate biopsy: ISUP grade group 5 (Gleason 4+5)

Which option would you choose for this patient?