Bladder cancer

Targeted therapies for metastatic UCa in special populations

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Finish 5 case(s) answer 10 question(s) and Earn 1 credit.


Objetivo educativo: Get familiar with the current indications of immunotherapy and targeted therapies for metastatic urothelial carcinoma (UCa). Learn to identify patient characteristics that impact the appropriateness of immunotherapy and targeted therapies.
Especialidad: Medical oncology, urology, clinical oncology
Público destinatario: Specialists (CME: basic, intermediate), Residents (senior)
Última actualización: October 2024

Regulatory approval status of drugs included in this topic (indications limited to the metastatic UCa setting; status: 22 October 2024)

ChT: chemotherapy; CPS: combined positive score; PD-(L)1: programmed death-(ligand) 1

In all cases presented in this topic, it is assumed that the relevant antibodies/tests are used for PD-L1 and FGFR testing.

This educational platform includes case challenges with treatment options that may not be indicated for this use in your country. Please refer to your local prescribing information.