Long COVIDSimon (40 years old)
Simon, 40 years old, was diagnosed 6 months ago with post-COVID-19 syndrome 7 months after the initial COVID-19 infection. He is now in constant pain, exhausted and desperate, and visits you for the second time this week. He states: ‘It cannot go on like this, something has to be done’. He has difficulties performing daily activities due to his shortness of breath and the loss of energy, and he is very anxious, especially at night. However, no worsened or newly onset symptoms are felt at this moment.
Assessment summary:
- Normal heart and lung auscultation
- Blood pressure: 120/75 mmHg, heart rate: 118 bpm
- SpO2: 98%
- Body temperature: 36.7°C
- Localised compression chest pain and sensitivity to the arms and neck