COVID-19 vaccines

Earn accreditation points

Finish 5 case(s) answer 10 question(s) and Earn 1 credit.


Образовательная цель: Select the most appropriate COVID-19 vaccine and booster shot and choose the best timing in different populations and for special conditions. Recognise and manage potential vaccine adverse events.
Специальность: General Practice, Family Medicine
Целевая аудитория : CME (intermediate, advanced), Residents (senior)
Самое последнее обновление : July 2023

Primary care physicians play a crucial role in maintaining a patient population immunized against COVID-19. The close relationship general practitioners have with their patients makes them ideal for educating people about the COVID-19 vaccines and their importance, communicating vaccine safety and efficacy in a common and understandable way, and addressing special circumstances and individual concerns. With the high workload in clinical practice, staying up-to-date with the newest information on COVID-19 vaccines is both essential and challenging. This CME programme aims at helping GPs to stay informed and confident in their decision-making with evidence-based education and current recommendations on COVID-19 vaccines.