Bladder cancer
INACTIVE --- New hope for patients progressing after first-line treatment for mUCa

James (76 years old)

76-year-old James loves fishing. Every Sunday morning, he goes fishing and if he is lucky, he catches a fish which he then fries at noon. A self-caught fish tastes so much better than a fish bought at the market.

He had initially presented with UCa of the bladder with metastases in the lungs, and he was treated with gemcitabine + carboplatin. It is now 5 months after finishing chemotherapy.

Assessment summary:

  • ECOG PS: 0
  • No peripheral neuropathy
  • No hearing impairment
  • Glomerular filtration rate (GFR): 35 ml/min
  • Haemoglobin: 11.8 g/dl
  • CT scan reveals worsening lung and new liver metastases
  • FGFR2/3 mutation status in diagnostic biopsy specimen: activating FGFR3 mutation

Which treatment option would you choose for this patient?