Acute COVID-19 in special populations

Earn accreditation points

Finish 5 case(s) answer 10 question(s) and Earn 1 credit.


Educational Objective: Select the most appropriate COVID-19 treatment or concomitant medication management strategy in COVID-19 patients with comorbidities and understand additional recommendations for special conditions including pregnancy.
Specialty: General Practice, Family Medicine
Target Audience: CME (intermediate, advanced), Residents (senior)
Latest update: July 2023

The general practitioner (GP) plays an important role in the first-line management of COVID-19 pandemic in the prevention, counselling, diagnosing, testing and treating of patients. Translating new insights into appropriate decision-making in daily clinical practice is crucial, both for the management of COVID-19 in special populations as well as for concomitant medication management in patients with COVID-19 and preexisting comorbidities. Special attention and recommendations are advised for specific conditions such as pregnancy.