Bladder cancer
Follow-up surveillance regimes for low-/intermediate-risk NMIBC

Albert (70 years old)

Albert, a 70-year-old retired veterinarian, now enjoys spending his summers volunteering for a sea turtle rescue organization.

He was initially diagnosed with low-risk NMIBC. He received 1 immediate chemotherapy instillation after TURBT.

Follow-up cystoscopy after 6 months shows a 1 cm papillary tumour and TURBT is performed. Visual appearance suggests a low-stage and LG and he received again 1 immediate chemotherapy instillation. The pathology report confirms urothelial cancer pTa LG (muscle in specimen, no lymphovascular invasion).

He received adjuvant chemotherapy instillations for 1 year. In the meantime, no recurrences were detected during follow-up.

His follow-up visit at 12 months:

  • Cystoscopy: negative
  • Cytology: negative

Which of the following options would you choose for this patient?