Bladder cancer

Initial treatment of MIBC

Earn accreditation points

Finish 5 case(s) answer 10 question(s) and Earn 1 credit.


Objectif pédagogique: Identify appropriate treatment strategies for the initial management of N0 and N+ M0 muscle-invasive bladder cancer (MIBC)
Spécialité: Urology, Medical oncology, Clinical oncology, Radiation oncology
Public cible: Specialists (CME: basic, intermediate), Residents (senior)
Dernière mise à jour: May 2024

For decades, radical cystectomy (RC) with or without neoadjuvant chemotherapy has been considered the standard of care treatment for localised MIBC. However, with radiosensitisation (most often with chemotherapy) showing superiority over radiotherapy (RT) alone and ongoing trials with immunotherapy in the (neo)adjuvant setting and in the context of bladder preservation, novel treatment directions are paving their way in the treatment landscape of M0 MIBC. Therefore, the management of MIBC requires a multidisciplinary collaboration between urology, radiation, clinical and medical oncology.

All patients in this course have urothelial carcinoma (UCa) in absence of (extensive) variant histology.