Prostate cancer (US version)
Tailoring treatment for metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancerCody (51 years old)
Cody, 51 years old, is a bus driver. He enjoys driving around and meeting a lot of people every day, but he really cannot stand the traffic at rush hour.
He was recently diagnosed with metastatic PCa.
Assessment summary:
- Medical history: none
- ECOG PS: 0
- Asymptomatic
- Bone scan: 1 suspicious spot (Th11)
- CT: locally advanced prostatic mass, few enlarged lymph nodes within the pelvis, no sign of visceral metastasis
- PSMA-PET scan: 2 spots on the bone and 1 positive lymph node outside the pelvic area
- PSA: 19 ng/ml
- Prostate biopsy: ISUP grade group 4 (Gleason 4 + 4)