Chronic pain
Osteoarthritis: which options to consider after treatment failure?

Hubert (43 years old)

Hubert is a 43-year-old carpenter who has been treated for low back pain for the last 3 months. He experienced similar pain twice in the past, although with faster resolution.

Two months ago, the X-ray examination revealed numerous degenerative changes. He started taking topical and oral non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and received several manual therapy sessions (massage), all with limited results.

In his medical records, the following is noted:

  • Not smoking, moderate alcohol consumption
  • Normal weight (BMI: 24.5)
  • Normal work activity despite past ailments
  • Physical examination: no radiculopathy or progressive motor weakness

Hubert visits your clinic as he worries that if the pain continues, it may jeopardise his work.

Which of the following options would you choose for this patient?